Sunday, August 24, 2008

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

On Saturday we took a road trip. We went to see a house being built by Extreme Makeover Home Edition. We had heard they were going to be in the town because my hubby's cousin lives on the same street they were building it. We figured we would take a ride because when would we ever have the chance to see this again.

I had been following the story on the Internet. They actually tore the house down on Wednesday and by the time we got there on Saturday, they were finishing the siding, gutters, landscaping, etc. I'm not sure how far they were on the interior, but they had put out a call for anyone who knew how to drywall and install hardwood floors. Darn it, I don't know how to do either.

There were a lot of people there...between volunteers and spectators there were hundreds. There were some kids selling water and hot dogs. There were tables of t-shirts that were being bought up. What an amazing thing to watch though. I wish we had gone on Sunday. That's when you would really get the opportunity to see everyone from the show. We did get to see Ed Sanders (he's in the pinkish-red colored shirt in a couple pictures). I'm not sure when the episode aired, but he is the one that cut his hand when he was working on a project for the show. He was in the front yard and turned to get the crowd to cheer on all those working. It was truly amazing to see how much all these people got done in a few short days!

Little man did pretty well all day. Right before we left, he started to have a meltdown. He had only napped in the car for less than an hour. We were really hoping he would take a little nap in his stroller, but he wanted no part of it. Five minutes after we got in the car, he was out...of course! Since we drive right past her house, we were going to stop and see my sister on the way home. Unfortunately we got detoured due to a parade and were past her house by the time we got back on our original route.

All in all it was a good trip. We're actually hoping to take another trip next weekend. We'll see though!

New things to play in

It's been a while. Summer has flown by and Fall is almost here. Fall is actually my favorite season, so I'm ok with that!

A couple weeks ago little man found something new to play in. I have actually commented to some people about how good little man is about closing door, drawers, cupboards, etc. Well...I spoke too soon.

These pictures...notice the wet hair? I would love to say he got in the sink, tub, etc. son stuck his hands in the toilet and "washed" his hair. Two minutes with my back turned was all it took! He immediately had a bath run and he was "disinfected" from that nasty water.

I think now we are going to have to keep the bathroom door shut for fear of what can come next!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shhhhh........ you hear that? No? Just listen for a couple more seconds! Still nothing? That's because it's quiet. I actually have the day off without little man or hubby! It's very strange though because I'm constantly listening for little man to start crying to say he is awake from his nap. Is that strange? My mind has become so tuned in to him, even when he's not home I'm listening for him!

I've been keeping busy today. I'm cleaning a little. I haven't been doing it continuously, and I'm taking breaks because I want to. I actually made myself breakfast and lunch and didn't have anyone else standing there asking for some even though they already ate there own. I'm picking up rooms and they are staying clean for longer than ten minutes. Was this what it was like before little man came along?

Before little man was born, I probably would have taken a day off and just layed on the couch watching tv and doing nothing. Today I'm just savoring the quiet.

In all honesty though, I can't wait for him to get home. My hubby works tonight, so I'm hoping to take a walk to the park with little man. Before he left to go to day care, he was sitting on the couch being all cuddly...I love these cuddling sessions because they are not coming as often any more! Is there any way I can stop him from growing up?

Well...3 hours left in my day off...what else can I do today?

(On a side note....Operation no binky is going o.k. I relented the other night after a half hour of screaming...I know...I'm bad. Yesterday he didn't have the pacifier all day, and he even slept without is last night. I hate to do this to him, but after we visited the dentist a few months ago, I knew I would have to face this sooner than later! We'll see what tonight brings!)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Crying due to Operation No Binky

I'm sitting at my computer listening to little man scream and cry. I feel horrible because I can't go in and give him what he wants...the binky!!! This is about the millionth time I have attempted this. It always seems to get sabotaged.

I started again on Friday. Saturday morning my hubby got little man up and brought him out with a binky in his mouth. I was devastated. I thought my one day of hard work was gone. Then I had to go to work. My hubby was home with little man all day...even nap time. He relented and gave little man the pacifier for nap time.

Then I put little man to bed without the pacifier, and he slept through the night. Yay!!! He didn't have it for his afternoon nap! Yay again!!!

Now it's bed time and he's probably been crying for about 10 minutes now!!! I figure if we can get through a couple more nights, we should be good. Now if everyone gets on the same page as me, it'll be perfect!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Trying to Post

I've started a couple posts in the past couple weeks, and I just didn't feel like finishing them. Why? I don't know. I'm tired. Little man is getting to be a pro at the tantrum throwing. My hubby has been working two jobs, so that leaves me home alone alot. That should give me plenty of time to do this...but when I have this time, I often don't feel like doing anything. How sad.

Last week we finally got our washer and dryer hooked up. Actually, it just started with the water lines and drain being put in my mother's kitchen. Then we had electric run and the vent put on the enclosed back porch for the dryer. When we moved, we put them both down in the basement because that was where the hookups were. Unfortunately, it wasn't ready for us to put everything in, so we waited...a little too long in my opinion...but it's done now so I can't complain. So we had hubby's two brothers come over on Sunday and help get them up from the basement...what fun!

No more trips to the laundromat!!! Yay!!! I've been doing laundry every night since it got hooked up. How great is that? I know, it's really sad that I'm getting excited about doing laundry?!?!

Not too much is going on. Little man is still sleeping through the night off and on. Last night being one of the off nights, I wound up sleeping with him on this floor so he would go to sleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he sleeps through the whole night tonight! I guess we've been pretty lucky though with his sleep patterns!

I went for a walk tonight. I really need to start exercising because I need to get rid of this baby weight...19 months later!!!!!! I hate how I look, how I feel. I think I'm going to start with a 5 pound goal and work from there. I actually would love to get down 30...but that seems so unattainable right now! So, I guess I'll start with little baby steps!!! Maybe if I start blogging about that, it will help keep me accountable!!!

Well, I'm off to get another load out of the dryer...don't be jealous!